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“To understand the requirements of our users’ and meet their needs constantly by improving our services to deliver the best possible output” Our Commitments: We at CHIPS Library shall strive to provide quality library and Information Services to its users by using state – of – the art information and communication technology, thus contributing in the building of our state of Andhra Pradesh. This policy shall be achieved by

1. Maintaining a quality system based on ISO 9001:2015
2. Sustaining high degree of user satisfaction 
3. Continual improvement by data analysis based on data generated internally through survey and users feedback.


1. Be a central source of information and provide services with speed and efficiency to satisfy all users and to meet satisfaction objectives of 85%.
2. Develop a quality system consistently across the CHIPS Library with a goal to improve and develop at a rate of at least 5% annually.
3. Resolve the complaints of users with speed and accuracy.
4. Improve overall services in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 standards and other relevant standards. 
5. Fully Computerized Library and Automation services will be provided to make effective library services in future.
6. Planning to mine the free e-books on Internet and provide the same to our Library users. This work is under process.
7. Planned to design separate library website & host the same on any one of the Free Web Hosts. This way library user community can browse the site to know more about our library, its products and services. It is also planned to link with our college website.


The college has one of the best libraries with 8270 volumes of books and 2040 titles. The library also hosts 11 International and 22 National Journals and 27708 e- Journals making it one of the largest in the field.

1 Total No of Titles(Books) 2234
2 Total No of Volumes(Books) 8640
3 Total No of Journals 34
(A) No. of National Journals 18
(B) No. of International Journals 16
4 Total No. of e-Journals (J-gate + DELNET + NLIST) 27658
5 Total No. of e-books (DELNET + NLIST) 195809
6 Total No. of Magazines 04
7 Total No. of News Papers 04
8 Total No. of CDs/DVDs 252
9 Total No. of Audio - Cassettes 04
10 Project Dissertations 222
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