Our Vision

To nourish young Pharma aspirants with innovative and creative capabilities who can play a vital role in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences. We are earnestly pursuing our motto “FROM CONCEPT TO CREATION” with greater efforts and dedication.

Our Mission

To nurture the expertise of every student by including the CONCEPTS of Pharmacy along with the Ethics of Education and to furnish all the necessary Infrastructure & Equipment that ensures the CREATION of Competent Pharmacists & Quality Pharmaceuticals.


  1. Development and implementation of quality parameters for academic activities of the institute.
  2. Creating learner centric environment around the campus to ensure the quality of education.
  3. Promoting research in the ever expanding field of pharmacy by providing quality infrastructure along with Good Clinical Practices (GCP). .
  4. Providing facilities to take feedback from students, parents and others on quality related aspects. .
  5. Organizing workshops, seminars on quality related aspects in pharmacy and also its recent advancements. .
  6. Documentation of all the activities for the overall quality assessment. .
  7. Strengthening Anti-Ragging committee to create awareness among the students. .
  8. Addressing student grievances. .
  9. Implementing and Encouraging health awareness programs. .
  10. Development of quality culture within the institution. .
  11. Preparation of annual assurance report as per NAAC Guidelines. .
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